
13 March 2009

Great Hands

The days are becoming increasingly difficult for Great Mother. "Lillian" allows her to communicate where her voice and muscles refuse. The old feeding tube has been replaced with a new, but her stomach objects to digestion. Her spirit is beautiful and her determination unmatched, yet her body is so weary. Lord Jesus, her joy is in you. Bring her rest.


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes earlier today. It is SO hard to watch them grow feeble, isn't it? Lord, come quickly.

  2. that picture is a perfect tribute to this time.

  3. Lovely. I wish there had been something like Lillian to help my mother. We lost her two years ago after a decades long battle with MS. Because of a permanent trachea tube she couldn't speak...because of the MS she couldn't control her hands (nor any other part of her body)... because she had lost her swallowing reflex she had a GI (feeding) tube for sustenance. Despite all of these physical limitations we communicated deeply. She was my constant prayer partner and offered me countless hours of comfort and strength...without saying a word.
    God bless you and your family.
    What a gift you have in your great grandmother...and she in you.
