
01 April 2010

Remember and Know

Lucette's full name means "clear and bright light." She has always been a sparkle in our family ... just one glimpse into those eyes, and you'll know exactly what I mean.

Sometimes that sparkle is sheer twinkling delightfulness and at others ... glitter-encrusted sass. When she was about two, she developed a method of sibling problem-solving that primarily involved sinking those sharp little baby teeth into any body part Peter wasn't quick enough to withdraw. This, all done, with great verve and astonishing speed.

In an attempt to halt this behavior (and fear of getting ourselves kicked out of the church nursery) we tried a little Pavlov-love. You bite with your mouth, you get something yucky in your mouth. First up? Lemons. She chowed down with gusto. Next? Tabasco. Bring it on, baby, this tot likes it spicy. Act of desperation? The bar of soap. Munch, munch, smile and a declaration of "I like it."

I began realizing, in a new way, how little control I had over another person's behavior. Even as a parent, we can only command so much. Obedience and behavior that is rooted from the heart? My imperfect efforts only go so far.

I had always prayed for my children. But over time I've realized that it is utterly imperative to intercede for them as the child and myself as parent. The only time I really see deep change in my life or those around me, it has involved prayer. Nothing fancy. Just serious, earnest, regular prayer.

Lucette is a little precocious, yes, but oh, how I love her spunk. What's more, I see God refining her character and maturing her spirit all while keeping her zesty personality. A tribute to our parenting? Hardly. A reflection of God's abiding love, care, and faithfulness? Without a doubt.

When it comes to raising children, there is very little I know for sure. But this I do: I am a better parent when I pray.

This daughter of mine, I adore her. She makes me laugh, she challenges my own perspectives, she makes me proud to be her mother. She'll look back and know well my failings, but may she and her siblings also remember and know ... my mother prays for me.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
Ephesians 1:17-19


  1. That's really, really beautiful. What a delight your Lucette, your clear, bright light, must be. And what a treasure to see our heavenly Father refining her character while preserving her spirit at such a tender age! I hope I remember these words you've written when I become a parent someday. Thank you.

  2. I loved this post, A. Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mom!

  3. A timely reminder, and so beautifully written.

  4. What a beautiful and wise reflection. Just the reminder I needed!

  5. Lovely post! I relate to this so much as Lucette sounds rather like Caroline, my youngest. How we need a daily supply of wisdom from the ultimate Parent -- because you're right, it's not our job to control them (slowly learning this lesson ...)

    I love the verse you have as your blog subtitle; the kids and I just read it this morning and it always touches me as being a tender one.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Appreciated the comment.

  6. Amen, Amen, Amen!!! I could not agree with you more!

    And mine...they love lemons and vinegar (yes, straight vinegar - "it tastes like salad dressing!") and they didn't blink at tobasco sauce...but they bar of soap, that has been known to bring tears...
