
21 September 2010

A Big, Little Girl

She's big now, you see. She knows how she likes her hair: a sparkly barrette, please. Which shoes go with the dress: black, because they are shiny and comfy. And for some chic arm jewelry? A sparkly pink snap bracelet, naturally.

Last of all, on goes the mousey backpack and a few pictures for Mama. Now it's time to go to preschool. Because she's five. And she's big.

"It's only for a little bit, Mama. You can cry the whole time I'm gone. But then I'll come home."

And I am so glad they do.


  1. I have a similar photo of my little girl from this morning too...isn't it sweet to see how excited they get to learn and grow?

  2. totally melting over here.

    And drat, why does she have to grow up? She's the peanut of the bunch.

  3. Sweet and lovely~just like your daughter.

  4. she is such a cutie pie. Seriously. xx

  5. What a cutie pie! Can I give her a hug?! I hope she loves preschool.

  6. She sounds a lot like my youngest -- must have some sparkle or something fancy at all times. You're never fully dressed without a shiny accessory!

  7. I love this age because they're such a delightful combination of little and big.

  8. Oh wow! LOVE the slap bracelet. I'm so glad Sister has a kindred spirit, fashionably speaking!
